I thought that he was a mind reader as well, he's being in the bus long, must be very good con artist, still gives me the creeps though.
Well at least I know now, that there is a doggie heaven!!
watched last night and in the past.
still feel kind of "should not be watching" as the dead are dead.. being sought of going to church and its now that we don't die but go to god.. just wondering if john edward would be the same as the medium that saul went to and god was very displeased?
though he said last night he is not????.
I thought that he was a mind reader as well, he's being in the bus long, must be very good con artist, still gives me the creeps though.
Well at least I know now, that there is a doggie heaven!!
watched last night and in the past.
still feel kind of "should not be watching" as the dead are dead.. being sought of going to church and its now that we don't die but go to god.. just wondering if john edward would be the same as the medium that saul went to and god was very displeased?
though he said last night he is not????.
Watched last night and in the past.
Still feel kind of "should not be watching" as the dead are dead.
Being sought of going to church and its now that we don't die but go to God.
Just wondering if John Edward would be the same as the medium that Saul went to and God was VERY displeased? Though he said last night he is not????
If he can do this and it is right, just wonder what the purpose is? because he sometimes speaks about their pets etc.
ok, it's been dealt with by others, but i decided to do my own research and write this for the benefit of my jw family (hopefully the formatting works out): .
q: where is the great crowd?
a: rev.
Thanks so much for post, iam printing this out to show my little sister.
Interesting, when my daughter loubelle pointed this out to 2 sisters before she was D'fed just recently, they COULD NOT ANSWER HER.
But as usual the 2 sisters would not listen and now being D'fed we cannot show this to any of family, the borg saw to that, but hopefully my little sister will. Thanks once again for this.
so it has become habit for me to go out of my way when driving to make sure i can give it the finger as i drive by.
i especially like to do this on the way to one of my favorite bars, especially on meeting nights just so people who knew me can see me do it.
i don't know why, but this has become a tradition of sorts.
About 3 weeks ago, Loubelle (my daughter) and myself went into the car park and I put my cig out in the front door. It sounds so stupid, but I really got a kick out of it. We laughed so much, then got a fright and thought that they had spy camras, then we laughed so much again just thinking of the body of elders watching it and their comments.
It felt great, must say.
And it feels great telling someone else.
my nearly 18 year old son lives out of state.
just recently, he agreed to look at the reasons why my wife and i don't go to the meetings anymore.
he is very active, so i was suprised to hear that he wants to know why.
Yes, one comment said Love Bomb Him.
The scary part is if you take him tho church they might start talking about Jesus toooo much and that will put him off, as from my own experience when I first started going to chruch in Jan of this year, but I continued as I got the born again experience and eyes were open. BUT LET US REMEMBER....DO NOT PUT GOD IN A BOX, this just might be your sons turning point.
What I found is and read many a book about how to answer JW ....the most important thing is to undermine the "faithful and discreet slave" ..go on the net, get your info, then get the mags that show the liars that was told.
Also try and get, on the net, Russell's grave site with the pyramid and cross..even though he might say light gets brighter and .........that image will stay in his mind.
I also try and not put God in a box so I must say this let Gods Sprit guide you first, if you feel the need to say come to our "gathering" etc then do, if the Sprit does not lead you in that direction then don't do it, just follow the Spirit.
All the best, my heart goes out to you.
what does dub stand for?.
i keep on reading posts and going back in the archives but alas my question goes unanswered!
feel free to add any definitions that may come to mind!.
For me that was a wonderful post, as I am still a newbie.
I lol.
It was great to put that at the end. I am still lol.
dear randall,.
i am 21 years old, and 6 months ago i was.
disfellowshipped by my congregation, after being.
She will find her way thank God and thanks for that post.
I just wish it was my small sisters letter.
some of you may know, but i have been on a serious journey through watchtower "theology", and by association, have gone back all through the history of christianity.
i know many on this list have gone thru the same thing.
i have checked out probably 100 archeological, religious, and history books from the library.
I felt just the same. Went into EVERYTHING. Downloaded tons of paper. Got books. Different bibles, greek you name it.
But what bothers me is the people still IN the org. Like my small sister, she is the most lovely person out, she does not attend regually but her kids stell do, and he kids dont talk to me, but she still dows anyway I had this info on the society the lias etc and she has not even picked it up to LOOK SEE. She is not afraid it is she is just not bothered.
Thats what bothers me, I have seen all the nonsense the society has printed, said and I just want to share it with her, but to no effect.
Yes I agree, the society have not even BOTHERED to contact anyone of the familes that have been ruined by their crap. Me for one can't wait to give blood just to break the "spell".
hello everyone, just wanted to say hello and let you know a bit about my story and tell you how thankful i am that i found this site!.
i was never a baptized jw although in the early 90's i studied for about 3 years and was an un-baptized publisher for about 1 year before my doubts about some of the beliefs and also my inability to overlook the constant hypocracy of the elders did me in.
sadly it was not before i dragged the love of my life into it, and also my sister (they are both baptized although she left after seeing the elders double standards when it came to doling out counsel/punishment to their own families, he is still in) anyway even though i couldn't bring myself to commit to the org because of the crap i saw going on in the 2 different halls i attended i still believed it was the truth...what an idiot!
Welcome, welcome.
Oh how good it is to welcome you.
Eyes are OPEN.